Tag Archives: relationship

Blog English

Toddlers and our Free Will

In Holland in the early 1600rds remonstrants and counter-remonstrants totally disagreed on the fact of the free will. In a time the ‘elite’ could do whatever they wanted with the lives of the ordinary people, the question if God predestined our lives or we ourselves had a say in it, is a very relevant one. read more »

Blog English

Talking with God

Praying is difficult; talking to someone you don’t see nor hear.

Talking to someone you don’t see is doable. It can be good practice to say out loud what is bothering you, what frustrates you, what worries you or why you are sad. Or say what you are grateful for, what you enjoy, what goes well. It helps to imagine you are talking to someone, but for the psychological effect that does not have to be a deity. read more »

Blog English

Everybody forgiven and healed

The ‘Full Gospel’ teaches based on Isaja 53:5 that our healing is as sure as our forgiveness. I always have had a problem with that, because not everybody who is sick, is healed. How should I understand this verse? read more »

Blog English

Everybody a teacher?

According to the writer of the letter to the Hebrews, everybody should be a teacher after a while. Having listened to sermons for years, having attended bible-class or courses, having read the bible and Christian books, everybody knows how Christian faith works and can help other believers in that area, isn’t it? read more »

Blog English

Everybody a leader

‘You are the head, not the tail’. Every Christian should be a leader nowadays. But what do we expect of a leader? Is it possible for everybody to be a leader? read more »

Blog English

I believe so I am training to win the race

I have been really trying to be a good Christian. I read books, listened to sermons and tried to apply what I have been reading and hearing. I behaved as if I was doing an education. And even if I say so myself, it really looked nice. I was reasonably satisfied with myself.

Until God asked me an unsettling question; “Do you love me?” read more »

Blog English

I believe so I pray

Recently I have read a very good column with a razor-sharp analysis of how people look at prayer in times of trouble (in Dutch): https://www.vn.nl/als-god-in-rampzalige-tijden-niet-thuis-geeft/ (translation below)

It made me wonder: What does happens when we pray? read more »

Blog English Uncategorized

I believe so I do – what? 3

We believe our sins are forgiven and we believe we are a new creation. New creation equals better man we believe, so we think we should behave like better people. ‘Be holy because I am holy’. read more »

Blog English

Relax, it is finished – part two

All have sinned, Paul said, and all are justified through faith and not by the works of the law. But doesn’t is also say, ‘The one who loves me keeps my commands”? Yes, it says so and it makes sense. If you love someone, you try to respect the wishes of that person. “My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you”, Jesus said. We can only love like Jesus if His love runs through us. Only if the branches are attached to the vine, they can bear fruit. Keeping His commands stems from our relationship with Him. It is not the other way round, that we can only have a relationship with Him when we act according to His commands. read more »