Tag Archives: Holy Spirit

Blog English

Birth and Rebirth

Birth and rebirth are both essential to start life and from both we don’t exactly know when they start and how it will go. We do know something is coming. A birth is preceded with a pregnancy, also a rebirth. And in both cases there has been a desire and a fertile environment. read more »

Blog English

Spiritual Gifts

Paul writes about gifts -talents- the Holy Spirit gives to people. During church history you see the special gifts are first being reserved for the ministers and later on they almost completely disappear. With the coming of the pentecost movement there came a renewed interest for the Spiritual Gifts. read more »

Blog English

The Fivefold Ministry

Harol Eberle once wrote a book about the Fivefold Ministry and when I read it the first time I really was impressed. This from Ephesians 4:11 was the answer for the church! No reverends and church councils, no council of elders and deacons, no pastors and staff. A church lead by a balanced group of people with a special gift of the Holy Spirit, this is how it was meant to be, this was what we had to have!

I was still young. read more »

Blog English

Elizabeth en Mary

Elizabeth en Mary, two women without whom there would be no Christmas read more »

Blog English Uncategorized

I believe so I do – what? 3

We believe our sins are forgiven and we believe we are a new creation. New creation equals better man we believe, so we think we should behave like better people. ‘Be holy because I am holy’. read more »