I believe so I keep Gods commandments

This is a good thing as long as you know what the spirit of the commandments is. The commandments contain the wisdom of God and she is a very good counsellor. When you find wisdom you find life. Wisdom is better than all treasures together and begins with fear of the Lord.

But, when you are keeping commandments because you should obey the rules, than you will find death because the letter kills. You will find slavery, captivity, dependency, al the things Jesus has liberated us from, by setting aside the law with its commands and regulations and wiping out the handwriting of requirements that was against us.

I used to follow the regulations or explain the rules in a way I did not need to keep them. Until God told me once that He couldn’t work with me because I thought I knew before hand what I had to do. I lived my life by a dead letter, not by a life giving Spirit. I was just like the Pharisees who couldn’t enjoy the works of God because it didn’t match their standards; Jesus healed people on the Sabbath and that was wrong because it was a form of work and you should not work on the Sabbath.

Now I try to please God with my life. I try to listen to His voice, pass on His love, do His will. Not much is changed in my behaviour, but a great deal has changed in my motivation. The freedom you experience when you learn to live by grace is priceless. That is what I wish for everyone to achieve!

“It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.”
