Monthly Archives: May 2016

Blog English

I think, therefore I am – part 1

I think, therefore I am‘, concluded a philosopher in answer to his question: ‘how can I be sure I really exist, and I am not in some kind of Matrix?’. read more »

Blog Nederlands

Ik denk, dus ik besta – deel 1

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Het Evangelie 2.0 Het Koninkrijk van God. Wat is het en wat moet ik ermee?

Het Koninkrijk van God. Wat is het en wat moet ik ermee?


  1. Het koninkrijk van God in het Oude Testament.

  2. Het koninkrijk van God in het Nieuwe Testament

  3. Het Koninkrijk van God in de gelijkenissen

  4. Al reeds en nog niet

  5. Rechtvaardigheid

  6. Vrede

  7. Vreugde

  8. Afronding

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Blog English

Relax, it is finished – part two

All have sinned, Paul said, and all are justified through faith and not by the works of the law. But doesn’t is also say, ‘The one who loves me keeps my commands”? Yes, it says so and it makes sense. If you love someone, you try to respect the wishes of that person. “My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you”, Jesus said. We can only love like Jesus if His love runs through us. Only if the branches are attached to the vine, they can bear fruit. Keeping His commands stems from our relationship with Him. It is not the other way round, that we can only have a relationship with Him when we act according to His commands. read more »